What is Biodentistry?

Your teeth are part of your body. We all know it. Notwithstanding, there are dentists out there who do not keep this in mind all the time and just "do their job". Biological dentists, like the ones who work at Implants Cares, work differently.

We understand and accept that your teeth are an integral part of your body, responsible for helping you take your food to remain strong and healthy. We also learned that having a damaged oral health may also lead to problems on your overall health either in short time or in the long run.

Thus, any medical treatment performed by our doctors is performed with the aim to not only help you get a nicer smile but also to work in harmony with the rest of your body.

At Implants Care we use all the latest procedures, state-of-the-art technology, metal-free materials or zirconia (zirconium dioxide) for dental implants. These chemicals, materials and procedures which are not toxic compared to others.

This allows you to guarantee you dental procedures which are good for you, and also good for our doctors.

Implants Care - Implant and Esthetic Dentistry in Costa Rica

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