Restorative dentistry

Implants Care Costa Rica offers you the possibility to recover your lost teeth and oral health by making use of our restorative dentistry services.

In short, we offer:

  • Dental implants, to recover the pieces you may have lost over the years.
  • Dental bridges, in case, after medical examination, the doctor finds out implants are not suitable for you.
  • Crowns, which help you recover the natural shape and function of your teeth by placing a prosthesis over what is left of your current dental piece.
  • Dentures, which may be fixed or removable, and help their users to recover their normal dental function in both an effective and affordable way.

Here additional details about these procedures, and remember that at Implants Care Costa Rica we strive for using environment-friendly materials both for your convenience and for our doctors.

Dental implants

If you ever heard dental implants unavoidably required a long or painful procedure, we have great news for you: Dental technology has advanced a lot over the last couple of decades, and patients who look for a replacement for any lost tooth (or group of teeth) now have many options to recover the beauty and health of their smiles through dental implants.

Here you have the technologies you may choose from during your dental treatment at Implants Care Costa Rica:

Zirconia implants

Zirconia dental implants do not contain metal. They are based on zirconium dioxide (zirconia), a material that has been proven to be compatible with the body, and non-irritating to the soft tissues of our mouths. These implants do not have metal in any part and they have a success rate that is comparable to their titanium peers. They can last many years with proper care to surrounding gum tissue.

Despite the fact zirconia implants are still a relatively new technology, it has been extensively studied and used across Europe for decades. Today, zirconium dental implants are a proven contender, safe and effective for the lifelong replacement of missing teeth.

Made from ceramic rather than metal, the zirconium dental implants Dr. Franco places are white by nature. This is a stark contrast to the gray color of titanium, making them unnoticeable beneath a crown, bridge, or denture appliance.

Zirconia implants should be your first option when planning to undergo a dental implants procedure.

The All on 4 Procedure

The All on Four dental treatment allows a doctor to place permanent implants and recover many lost teeth with fewer sessions. It receives that name because the treatment works with four titanium anchors placed on a four areas of the mouth, over which the doctor fixes the dental prosthesis.

The All in Four procedure allows a patient to recover his or her smile by inserting four anchors (instead of one per tooth). Depending on your health, the doctor may need to prepare your body with a bone transplant before placing the fixed bridges that will bring your smile back; but we cannot be sure about that until you undergo a physical examination.

Same-day dental implants

One of the latest procedures developed by science over the last couple of decades, the doctor will place an implant and a temporary crown on your teeth in a "same-day" session. Most patients can start eating light meals a few hours after the procedure is completed, but keep in mind that the specialist needs to carefully evaluate your overall health, and particularly the bones in your mouth area, before proceeding.

After a week with the temporary dental implants, you should return to the doctor's office for an examination. If everything is OK and your body has reacted positively to the treatment, then the temporary crown is removed and the doctor places your permanent crown or bridge onto the anchor.

That's it? Yes, that's it! New teeth in very short time, and a renewed smile in your face.

Traditional dental implants

For those cases in which, after careful examination, the doctor determines your health condition is not suitable for an All on Four, or a "same-day" dental implant; traditional dental implants are the way to go. In short, what the doctor will do is to place as many titanium anchors as you need into your maxilla bone; after which a recovery period is mandatory to give your body the chance to get used to the anchors and grow bone around them to fix them.

Once the recovery period is over (the recovery period will vary between patients, but it is often between 4 and 8 months), you will need to return to the doctor's office. There, the specialist will examine your mouth health again and place your definitive dental implants on the anchors. Once the procedure is done, you will not only see your smile renewed... your overall biting health will feel the boost too!

The bone grafting technique

If you lost your teeth long ago, you may have lost some bone in the area where a dentist would place the anchor required for your dental implant. Years ago, the only option you had once reaching this point was to forget the idea of a dental implant and go for a dental bridge instead. Fortunately, this is not the case any more.

Using the bone grafting technique, the doctor will transplant a small portion of bone to that area in your mouth which has less bone than it should, allowing the implementation of a dental implant over it. Once the bone has been transplanted, the implant procedure is similar to the options described above.


For those patients who have small gaps between teeth or between a tooth and a bridge, speak with our doctor about mini-implants. This non-invasive treatment allows you to regain the support your teeth or bridges need to help you feel more comfortable in your daily life.

Dental bridges

When patients lose a tooth or a few teeth, the body suffers. The remaining teeth have more work to do, the mouth cavity loses some of its natural shape, even some bone is lost in the empty space the gap leaves. These conditions may lead to some problems in the future, so it is good to take some action now that you can.

A dental bridge is a false tooth which is placed in your mouth to cover the gap left by the one you lost before. Its presence restores the natural shape of your mouth, the natural work of your bite and helps you feel better, as you will not need to remember that you need to be careful when you smile because others may notice your gap.

In addition, dental bridges can reduce your risk of gum disease, help correct some bite issues and even improve your speech. Bridges require your commitment to serious oral hygiene, but they will last as many years in exchange.

At Implants Care Costa Rica, we usually work on highly-aesthetic porcelain bridges for the front teeth and zirconium bridges, which are more durable, for back teeth. Of course, the doctor will tell you exactly what is best for you after a careful examination when you visit our dentist's office.


As you may have heard before, crowns are permanent caps which are placed on a tooth to restore or aesthetically improve its shape, to strengthen, or preserve from damage teeth which are already weak. The procedure has two parts: first, you visit the doctor, and he takes an impression of your tooth, so he can have the crown prepared in the laboratory; next, in a second visit, the crown is placed on the tooth, leaving you with a nicer smile.


Dentures are fixed or removable replacements for missing teeth.

Dentures are an affordable alternative to dental implants. They are typically made in acrylic or porcelain, fully or partially, as the patient requires, and they are custom designed to fit your mouth.

With proper hygiene and care, dentures can last for decades.

Implants Care - Implant and Esthetic Dentistry in Costa Rica

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